Sixty Seconds of AI

Adding Value

We don’t have any analysis or commentary today, just a note. We’ve been posting every weekday for a few weeks now, and going forward we’ll be making a tweak to our schedule.

From now on, we’ll only be posting every other weekday. That will mean you’ll see posts Monday, Wednesday, and Friday one week with Tuesday and Thursday the following week, and, then back to MWF.

That’s about half the posting, but here’s why: Just because we are following AI, VUI design, speech, NLP, and everything else under the probabilistic and modeled HCI sun, that doesn’t mean there’s something especially interesting every day. We started with every day because we thought that starting with a lot and dialing it back was easier than starting with fewer and ramping up, and now it’s time to dial it back.

Even though this blog was intended to take about 60 seconds to read (hence the name 60 Seconds of AI), that’s still a minute (or two sometimes!) we don’t all have every day. We hope that means that it will be easier for you to find value in what we post here.

Thanks for reading!

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